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100k+ z4mc - expected expenses

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:02 pm
by tomscott
This is the age old problem that the car may "seem" cheap but once you've spent 3-5k on it you could be in a 60-70k car and not see that money back anyway although its easier to move on.

On the other hand a lot of the issues are age related anyway, mounts, suspension etc they wear out but have life spans too. Regardless of the milage you cant get away from the fact that what ever car you buy will need attention simply because they are 10-12 years old.

At the same time the likelyhood of all these things needing doing at once is silly and really it will depend on each car. A low mileage car could end up costing as much as a higher mileage because it has sat but who knows.

The only way to know is to go through the documentation and get a pre purchase inspection so you know what your in for, or stuff that needs immediate attention.

You could get into a 50-60k 3.0si for 10-12k and the other consumables are far cheaper tax, insurance, service, brakes etc and it offers 90% of the M on the road. The M is special and the sum of its parts to me is worth it. For far less the 3.0si is the best compromise on a budget will allow great motoring they are unlikely to go down in value and gives time to move up to an M later down the line.

Both could end up costing similar with issues. The 3.0si are the same age but that 3-4k difference could pretty much sort everything you could think of and cost less to run.

The M costs money to look after consumables and service is far more expensive but find a good one with recent work and your laughing really they are super reliable. With all consumables done you could have 2 years free motoring.

Everything listed so far is worst case, consumables first figure the rest out in time. 15k might be a stretch but not unachievable.

100k+ z4mc - expected expenses

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 7:58 pm
by shuey
Yeh I hear ya.

I’ve always wanted the m version, and to be honest I only started considering the m once I realised u can get one for 15k.

But u make a good point about the 3.0 - any issues that I do have, I can fix and have a flawless z4c3.0, versus the m which I should know there will be the odd expense here and there.

So yeh I think M, is more about when I buy it, rather than if. But I think I’d regret rushing to buy the cheapest M.