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Swarovski Necklace

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 1:25 am
by enzed4
Being on the other side of the world from most of you, I often report spam that's posted in your darkest hours (and I suspect the Aussie members probably do as well) and it's dealt with before most of the regular members even see it. I don't mind this 'night watchman' duty as I used to do this as a mod on another forum. I've probably been a bit slack over the past week or two (I also have a life outside of here) so it may have been a combination of factors that lead to an increase in the level of spam noticed by the OP.
I'd like to echo the thanks to the mods/admins on this forum who do an excellent job of supervising the playpen; they deserve to be paid at least twice as much as they get now :rofl: