I would love to hear experience from you guys and any suggestions are very welcome.
My goal is to have a quick and controlable car for fast roadtrips with nice turnin feel en a few trackdays per year.
-femto unlock
-mhd stage 1 400hp-ish?
-air intake, which one?
-downpipe 200cell
-midpipe delete
-mhd stage 2 460-480hp-ish?
-xhp software
-front upper brace
anything else?
- which coilover set for example? (Not to go low)
It comes with 19inch 799m wheels, but I gues they are heavy. Any lighter/lightweight wheels recommended?
If 18inch will improve the drivebility, please lett me know.
any recommendes mods? more bite from brakepads?
Anything else I need?