Heater only blows cold air. Apart from De-mist setting which then only gets 'warm' at best on the driver side.
A/C works but only from cold to ice cold, no heat.
Checked and OK, even double checked:
Bled coolant (on steep drive) twice - no air at all and level as should be
Engine reaches and maintains temperature
Felt, squoze both inlet and outlet pipes to heater matrix - both hot and even
No drop of coolant level at all
No smell of coolant in car even after a long drive.
Theres no issue with temperature or overheating so I'm ruling the thermostat out.
I'm aware these models use an auxiliary motor just for the heater matrix but would I still have even temperature on inlet and outlet if this has failed?
I have read the heater has 'blender' flaps which have been known to cause this but does anyone on here know of this being an issue?
Not sure where the issue lies so anyone's input is appreciated.
I'm able to carry out the motor swap myself and these are relatively inexpensive so may try that first.
Also, could I still get a flow and even temperature through matrix if it's blocked and needs backflushing?
I can easily do that using hose clamps then re bleed the system a couple of times.
Thanks in advance