What is required:
- 2 MQS female pins per HS
- A MQS crimp tool

- Remove the zip tie from the hydraulic ram, that fixes the rear hall sensors plug. Take a photo before removing it!
- Both hall sensors are clipped into the right hydraulic ram in the trunk. You can unmount it by pushing a tiny screwdriver between the ram and the HS housing
- Shorten the 2 wires of each new hall sensor according to the lenghts of the old hall sensors, they are different
- Crimp a new pin on each wire
- Twist both wires to get the wiring a bit more compact
- Plug both wires into a new housing.
- Important: pin orientation is according to he old hall sensors - brown to brown, colour to colour!!. One old HS has a yellow wire, the new one is red. Don't mind, just colour to colour
- Don't forget to place a new zip tie sorrowly(!) around the hydraulic ram to fix the plug and the 2x2 wires as initially removed