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Long shot...Carly loan ios adapter?

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:28 pm
by Kugaman1
Anyone willing to loan me a carly for bmw iphone/ipad adapter?

I have the full carly software package but dont have the adapter. I used to have it when I had my X3 but I lent it to a workmate and he did a midnight flit.....leaving his job and running off with my adapter :(

All I want to do is code the folding mirrors on lock/unlock and do a scan to check all is well.

I know its a longshot, but is anyone willing to loan me their adapter for a couple of days? Obviously I will pay for postage and a small drink!

I can give you my ebay details to confirm Im honest! (over 1500 feedback and no negatives).

Worth an ask anyway, save paying £50 for the adapter again!

Long shot...Carly loan ios adapter?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:10 am
by mcbutler
Probably someone not too far away would do it with a meet up. That way you get to drive your car, get the job done and a pub lunch...

Long shot...Carly loan ios adapter?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:21 am
by Kugaman1
Yeah but Im 30 miles North of Aberdeen......everythings far away!!!

If no joy, will just need to buy the dongle.